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Southwark Leaders Debate


 In 2012 Pempeople hosted part of Southwark Black History Month were we showed Julian Nix's Film  why Black People Dont vote with a full house  and local councillors  were asked questions by the panel (85 people ) that attended. It opened the eyes of many residents and is part of a long process of getting many communities engaged in the political process

 Roll on 2014 and with the General elections looming we were able to host the Leaders debate with Southwark Political leaders being asked questions by local residents and organisations

We would like to thank the Leaders of each political party that attended

 Labour , All Peoples Party, Trade Union and Social Coalition,Liberal Democrats






Leaders Debate 2015

With Parliamentary Candidates fighting for your vote we will be looking at hosting a parliamentary debate with all local parties representing Southwark Constituents.

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